Alchemy Acres
Tip of the Month

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With Winter fast approaching, it might behoove us to think about emergency preparedness. Actually, it is well to be prepared for all manner of emergencies. After all, bad things do happen to good people. And anything that might impact us will most certainly impact our livestock. Things that spring to mind are snow and or ice storms. These can knock out power for anywhere between a few hours to a couple weeks. Depending on where you live, you might consider other types of storms - tornadoes, hurricanes, exceedingly heavy rainstorms, even earthquakes. Of course, there are emergencies associated with health, such as strokes, heart attacks, etc. God forbid - you could have a car accident that leaves you unable to do your daily chores - or worse. One incident from my own experience involved my possibly exposing myself to an intense x-ray beam from a diffractometer used in my occupation as analytical chemist. The first thing that popped into my mind (as the health officials were measuring exposure levels) was that I could not lift hay bales with only one hand. That really scared the heck out of me. So the first thing you should probably do is evaluate the types of emergencies that you might conceivably encounter. Then you should make a few contingency plans. I might add that these preparations should be useful whether or not you actually encounter an emergency. So prepare for the worst, and be grateful when you receive something better. And in the meantime, rest more easily.

These are but a few of the things you might want to consider when you prepare for emergencies. I'm sure there are a bunch I haven't thought of, so if you have some ideas I've missed, drop me an e-mail. I'm always open for improving my emergency response capabilities.

Write us with your comments and suggestions.

Welcome PageDescription of Dairy HerdWhat's New at the Site?Crafts and Nifty StuffAlchemy's MenagerieTip of the MonthPrevious Tips of the MonthOther Resources of Interest