Alchemy Acres
Tip of the Month

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Last month we discussed the advantages towards maintaining either a large or a small herd of dairy goats. This month we're going to cogitate on the disadvantages of each.

That just about covers it. Guess you can tell which side of the fence I'm on. There are folks who have huge herds and really do a good job with all their animals. Furthermore, they seem to enjoy the entire exercise. Personally, they'd haul me off to the Tennessee State Home for the Bewildered if I had many more than I have right now. I'm definitely a "Small Herd Person".

Write us with your comments and suggestions.

Welcome PageDescription of Dairy HerdWhat's New at the Site?Crafts and Nifty StuffAlchemy's MenagerieTip of the MonthPrevious Tips of the MonthOther Resources of Interest