I received in the mail this cute article from my veterinarian, Dr. Susan Sterling of Seymour, TN. I don't know who originally penned this clever article, and I sincerely hope they don't mind my repeating it here. But its definitely something that should be shared and enjoyed by many. So here goes.
Do you have GDS (Goat Delusional Syndrome)? There is no known cure. We don't know how this disease is contracted, the level of contageousness, and very few, if any, approach a full recovery. There are many documented cases of people remaining without symptoms for years, only to have the disease return after many years of not keeping goats. So "WHAT IS GDS AND ARE YOU AT RISK"?
Goat Delusional Syndrome
- Basic Symptoms
- Frequent and ongoing conversations with one or more goats.
- Assigning human attributes such as personality to goats (i.e., "That goat is so selfish - such a snob - so possessive - so jealous.")
- Over-sensitivity and over-protectiveness (i.e., taking offence when someone refers to goats as mere livestock).
- Periodic insomnia due to worry about goats - walking out to the barn after midnight just to "check on things".
- Considering Christmas presents and/or treats for "special goats".
- Advanced Symptoms
- Hugging and kissing goats - even BUCKS.
- Addressing goats with terms of endearment (i.e., sugar, sweetie, honey, baby).
- Eating only half an apple and pretending you're full - just so you can share the remainder with a goat.
- Remembering every goats birthday without referring to a calendar or registration papers - AND expecting everyone else in the family to share in your excitement at the goats birthday party.
- Spending an inordinate amount of time at Internet goat sites and e-mailing perfect strangers about your goats.
- Canceling vacations because of goats.
- Missing church because a goat is due to deliver.
- Buying a bigger farm or ranch so you can buy more goats.
- Buying goats on credit - putting goats on lay-away - saving for months to buy a single goat.
- Taking a second job or second mortgage to support your goat habit.
- Joining a 12 Step Program or support group because of your goat addiction.
- Insisting that family holiday gatherings are at your farm/ranch because you can't bear the thought of the goats being alone for the holidays.
- And finally, trying to find decorative uses for goat berries - such as painting and stringing them like cranberries for your Christmas tree.
I have to admit, I've displayed almost every one of these symptoms at one time or another - well, save for stringing the berries for the Christmas tree. And every time I go to the barn, I call my favorite old "sweetie" over to the side. She gives me a big sloppy kiss, and then receives her favorite treat. I camp by her side when she's due, and worry myself to death if she so much as sneezes. But thats OK. This is one disease from which I don't want to recover. Next month we'll return to a more solemn and educational topic. Hope you-all enjoyed this bit of levity as much as did I.