Alchemy Acres
Tip of the Month

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I received in the mail this cute article from my veterinarian, Dr. Susan Sterling of Seymour, TN. I don't know who originally penned this clever article, and I sincerely hope they don't mind my repeating it here. But its definitely something that should be shared and enjoyed by many. So here goes.

Do you have GDS (Goat Delusional Syndrome)? There is no known cure. We don't know how this disease is contracted, the level of contageousness, and very few, if any, approach a full recovery. There are many documented cases of people remaining without symptoms for years, only to have the disease return after many years of not keeping goats. So "WHAT IS GDS AND ARE YOU AT RISK"?

I have to admit, I've displayed almost every one of these symptoms at one time or another - well, save for stringing the berries for the Christmas tree. And every time I go to the barn, I call my favorite old "sweetie" over to the side. She gives me a big sloppy kiss, and then receives her favorite treat. I camp by her side when she's due, and worry myself to death if she so much as sneezes. But thats OK. This is one disease from which I don't want to recover. Next month we'll return to a more solemn and educational topic. Hope you-all enjoyed this bit of levity as much as did I.

Write us with your comments and suggestions.

Welcome PageDescription of Dairy HerdWhat's New at the Site?Crafts and Nifty StuffAlchemy's MenagerieTip of the MonthPrevious Tips of the MonthOther Resources of Interest